Thank you for choosing to honour God though your giving.
Your generosity helps to connect more people to Jesus, build the church and make a difference.
If you’d like to give financially, then simply use our bank details below to give either a single gift, or set up a regular standing order via your online banking.
Account Name: C3 Sunderland
Account Number: 75381532
Sort Code: 55-61-11
If you are a UK taxpayer and have completed a gift aid declaration then please put your gift aid code in the reference box when you set this up (Initials – Date of Birth – Month of Birth, e.g. AA3102).
C3 Sunderland is a registered charity number 1202027. The charity name will appear on any bank statements.
If you’d prefer to give via a card payment, simply click the button below to give via
Please note that there is a card processing fee that will increase your gift slightly if you choose this option.
If you are a UK tax payer you can increase your giving to C3 Sunderland through Gift Aid.
For every £1 donated by an individual, the UK government allows us to claim back an additional 25p. This is called Gift Aid. You need to have simply paid at least that much in Income Tax.
Filling out a Gift Aid Declaration is incredibly easy and so helpful as it allows us to increase your giving by up to 25%. If you haven’t done so already, please use the link below.